naturalsort - Natural Ordering
Provides functions related to human natural ordering. It handles adjacent digits in a character sequence as a number so that natural sort function arranges a character vector by their numbers, not digit characters. It is typically seen when operating systems lists file names. For example, a sequence a-1.png, a-2.png, a-10.png looks naturally ordered because 1 < 2 < 10 and natural sort algorithm arranges so whereas general sort algorithms arrange it into a-1.png, a-10.png, a-2.png owing to their third and fourth characters.
Last updated 9 years ago
6.86 score 9 stars 19 dependents 201 scripts 1.4k downloadsDYM - Did You Mean?
Add a "Did You Mean" feature to the R interactive. With this package, error messages for misspelled input of variable names or package names suggest what you really want to do in addition to notification of the mistake.
Last updated 9 years ago
3.88 score 5 stars 5 scripts 163 downloads